What is Meta Description? How to Write Them in 2024

Karn Arya
5 Min Read
5 SEO Tactics To Create The Right Meta Description For Website
5 SEO Tactics To Create The Right Meta Description For Website

Search engines show the description in search results mostly when the searched-for phrase is contained in the description. Optimizing the meta description is a very important aspect of on-page SEO. In this post, we share best tips Create The Right Meta Description for your blog our website pages

The function of description for your page is simple:  its main purpose is to get the visitor from Google to click your link. In other words, meta descriptions are there to generate click-through from search engines.

The meta description is a 160 character snippet, a tag in HTML, that summarizes a page’s content.

What is Meta Description?

The meta description is a snippet of up to about 155 characters – a tag in HTML – which summarizes a page’s content. On the search engine results page, every result is made up of at least three main parts:

  • The linked title of the page
  • The URL that shows up under it in green
  • A line or two of text that describes what’s on the page
SEO Tactics To Create The Right Meta Description

What does a meta description do?

The meta description is a simple HTML tag, which looks like this in the HTML code for the page:

Example of meta description in code:

<meta name=”description” content=”When writing a meta description, keep it between 140 and 160 characters so Google can display your entire message. Don’t forget to include your keyword!”>

Characteristics of a Good Meta Description

Here’s a look to construct better meta descriptions for your website or blog that will make your visitors want to click and access your pages – thus, improve your Google SERP rank.

1. Up to 155 characters – and sometimes more

According to the Moz expert team, the guideline for meta description character length is 150-160 characters.

Google changes the length of the meta description, you’ll mostly see meta descriptions length up to 155 characters, with some outliers of 300 characters. At least, try to get crucial information in the first 155 characters of your pst description.

2. Write a unique one for every page

Don’t write one meta description for your website all pages and copy-and-paste it on every page. Write a unique focus keyword include description for every page on your website.

Visit on Google Webmaster Tools > HTML Improvements or use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to check for duplicate meta descriptions.

3. Containing the focus keyword

If you look at the meta descriptions in the Google search results, you’ll notice that anywhere the words included in your search show up, they’re bolded.

how to create the right meta description

4.  Matching the content

Misleading descriptions will probably increase the website’s bounce rate. You just add the description to match the content on the website page.

5. Incorporate a Call-to-Action or Offer

Use some of the characters in your website meta description to urge people to click with action terms like “ How to learn” “read more,” or “discover.”

Adding a description with Yoast SEO

Adding a meta description with Yoast SEO plugin

If you are using WordPress and use Yoast SEO Plugin for SEO and adding a Meta Content is easy. You can create it in the Yoast SEO snippet editor, just like the SEO title and slug. Moreover, you can check immediately what it looks like in the snippet preview.


What is a good meta description?

A meta description should include a compelling summary of the page someone is about to click on.

What is the most important meta?

Meta description is one of the most important HTML meta tags for search engine optimization.

Final Words

With the help of this article SEO Tactics To Create The Right Meta Description will help to better Search Engine Ranking. If you have any queries about the description drop your comments in the comment box.

To get SEO and digital marketing tips or to be successful in blogging, you must follow our blog Minidea on social media Facebook. Thank you.

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Karn Arya is a Digital Marketer and the Founder of TheRVTechnology - Digital Marketing Company. He's been blogging since 2016 and has learned so many interesting things pertaining to blogging, SEO, and online earning. He has launched this blog to cover blogging related topics.
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