MS Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi – All Excel Shortcuts 2025

Neha Arya
12 Min Read
MS Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi PDF
MS Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi | All Excel Shortcuts

डिजिटलाइजेशन के इस दौर में किसी ऑफिस या अन्य किसी जगह काम करने के लिए आपको कंप्यूटर के बारे में सभी बेसिक चीजों का पता होना जरुरी है। अगर आप Microsoft Excel पर काम करते है तो MS Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi के बारे में जानकारी आवश्यक है. MS Excel का उपयोग Data Entery, Work Report, Business Analysys के लिए किया जाता है.

ऑफिस वर्क में Excel का इस्तेमाल सबसे ज्यादा किया जाता है। इसके साथ ही स्कूल और कॉलेज में प्रोजेक्ट बनाने में भी इसका इस्तेमाल किया जाता है. अगर आप इस पर काम करेंगे तो काफी समय लग सकता है, लेकिन Excel की Shortcut Key का इस्तेमाल करके काम को कुछ ही ही सेकण्ड्स में कर सकते है।

500+ MS Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi

MS Excel में कई प्रकार के Shortcut Keys का उपयोग होता है। जिसका इस्तेमाल हम Excel पर काम करते समय कर सकते है और अपना समय बचा सकते है।

Function Keys In Excel

F1Shows Excel Help
F2Enters edit mode for the active cell
F3Displays the Paste Name dialog box if there is a defined name
F4Repeats the last action. Also, writing a formula allows you to switch between relative, absolute, and mixed references.
F5Displays the Go To dialog box
F6Allows you to move between panels in a divided book
F7Displays the Spelling dialog box
F8Activates Expand Selection mode, which allows you to enlarge the selected range using the arrow keys
F9Calculates the result of formulas for all sheets of open workbooks
F10Activates the menu bar
F11Creates a chart sheet with the selected cell range
F12Displays the Save As dialog box

Single Key Shortcuts

Alt  Activates the menu bar
Page Down  Scrolls down one screen within the sheet
Enter  Completes a cell entry and selects the cell located below
Esc  Cancels the entry of a cell. It also closes any displayed dialog
Space  Enables or disables a check box within a dialog box
End  Allows you to use the arrow keys to move to the last cell in the current range
Home Moves to the beginning of the row
Page Up  Move one screen up within the sheet
Backspace  Deletes the contents of a cell and enters Edit Mode
Delete  Deletes the content of a cell
Tab  Completes a cell entry and selects the cell to the right
Direction keys  Selects the top, bottom, left, or right cell according to the direction key pressed  

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts In Excel

Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+B  Applies bold formatting to selected text 
Ctrl+C  Copies the selected cells
Ctrl+D  Copies the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range in the below cells 
Ctrl+EInvokes Flash Fill to recognize patterns in adjacent columns and fill the current column
Ctrl+G  Opens the Go To dialogue box so that you can work on a specific reference (cell)
Ctrl+I  Italicize the selected cell/s
Ctrl+JRemoves line breaks in a cell
Ctrl+KHyperlinks in a cell
Ctrl+LOpens the Create Table dialog box
Ctrl+OOpens an existing workbook
Ctrl+NOpens a new workbook
Ctrl+PDisplays the Print dialog box
Ctrl+R  Fills the row cell(s) to the right with the contents of the selected cell/Aligns a cell with the contents of the left cell
Ctrl+SSaves the workbook
Ctrl+TDisplays the Create Table dialog box
Ctrl+UUnderlines the selected text
Ctrl+VPastes the contents of the clipboard
Ctrl+XCuts the selected cells
Ctrl+Y Redoes the last undone action
Ctrl+ZUndoes the last action
Ctrl+1Opens the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl+2Applies bold formatting to selected text
Ctrl+3  Applies italic formatting to selected text
Ctrl+4  Underlines the selected text
Ctrl+5  Applies the strikethrough effect to the text
Ctrl+6Hides or shows the objects on the sheet
Ctrl+8Shows the outline symbols on the sheet
Ctrl+9Hides the selected row 
Ctrl+0Hides the selected column

Keyboard Shortcuts With Ctrl And Function Keys

Ctrl+F1Displays/hides the ribbon
Ctrl+F2Displays the print preview area on the Print tab
Ctrl+F3Opens Name Manager dialog box
Ctrl+F4Closes the active workbook
Ctrl+F5Restores the window size of the selected workbook window
Ctrl+F6Switches to the next workbook window if more than one workbook windows is open
Ctrl+F7Allows you to move the workbook window when the window is not maximized
Ctrl+F8Allows you to resize the workbook window when the window is not maximized
Ctrl+F9Minimizes the current workbook window to an icon
Ctrl+F10Maximizes the window of a minimized workbook
Ctrl+F11Inserts a macros sheet into the current workbook
Ctrl+F12Displays the Open dialog box

Keyboard Shortcuts With Shift And Function Keys

Shift+F2Insert a note. Open and edit a cell note
Shift+F3Displays the Insert Function dialog box. Editing a formula displays the Function Arguments dialogue box.
Shift+F4Executes the “Find Next” command according to the previously indicated search terms
Shift+F5Displays the Find dialog box
Shift+F6Switches focus between the sheet, the Ribbon, the status bar, and the task pane (if present)
Shift+F7Displays the Reference task pane
Shift+F8It lets you add another range of cells to the selection
Shift+F9Calculates the formulas of the current sheet
Shift+F10Shows the right-click menu for selection
Shift+F11Inserts a new sheet
Shift+F12Displays the Save As dialog box

Keyboard Shortcuts With The Ctrl+Shift Keys

Ctrl+Shift+F3Displays the Create Names From Selection dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switch to the previous workbook window
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Activates the menu bar
Ctrl+Shift+F12Displays the Print dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+FDisplays the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+L  Turns filters on or off in a range (Toggle)
Ctrl+Shift+OSelect cells with comments
Ctrl+Shift+U Expands the formula bar
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Enters a formula as an array formula
Ctrl+Shift+HomeExtends the selection to the beginning of the sheet
Ctrl+Shift+End  Extends the selection to the last used cell on the sheet
Ctrl+Shift+PageDown  Adds the next sheet to the selection of sheets
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up  Adds the previous sheet to the sheet selection
Ctrl+Shift+Direction key  Extends the selection to the last non-empty cell in the same direction as the key pressed
Ctrl+Shift+Space  Select the current cell range or the entire sheet
Ctrl+Shift+(  Show hidden rows within the selected range
Ctrl+Shift+)Show hidden columns within the selected range
Ctrl+Shift+!  Applies the Number in two decimals format 
Ctrl+Shift+#  Applies the Currency format with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+$  Applies the Percent format without decimals
Ctrl+Shift+%  Applies the Scientific notation format
Ctrl+Shift+/  Applies the Time format
Ctrl+Shift+:  Applies a border to the cell
Ctrl+Shift+&  Removes cell borders
Ctrl+Shift+” “Copies the cell’s content above

Keyboard Shortcuts To Navigate In Excel

Alt+Page DownMoves the worksheet one page to the right
Alt+PageUpMoves the worksheet one page to the left
Ctrl+Page Down  Move down in the given range 
Ctrl+Page Up  Move up in the given range 
Ctrl+Home  Move to cell A1 
Ctrl+End  Move to the last used cell in the current range
Ctrl+Backspace  Gets you back to your active cell
Ctrl+Tab  Switches between the open workbooks 
Ctrl+Direction keyMove to the end of the current row or column according to the direction key pressed.

Keyboard Shortcuts To Enter Data And Formulas

Alt+=Inserts an AutoSum of the adjacent cells
Alt+DownDisplays the options of a data validation list
Alt+EnterInserts a line break within a cell
Ctrl+, (comma)Insert the current date
Ctrl+:Inserts the current time
Ctrl+” (double quotes)Copies the value of the cell above
Ctrl+’ (single quote)Copies the formula from the cell above
Ctrl+EnterFills the selected cell range with the current input
Ctrl+DeleteDeletes all text up to the end of the line
Ctrl+Alt+KInsert a hyperlink
Shift+EnterCompletes cell entry and selects the top cell
Shift+TabCompletes the cell entry and selects the cell to the left

Other MS Excel Shortcut Keys

Alt+SpaceOpens the Excel window control menu
Alt+’ (single quote)Displays the Style dialog box
Alt+Ctrl+LeftMoves left between non-adjacent cells in a selected range
Alt+Ctrl+RightMoves right between non-adjacent cells in a selected range
Ctrl+-  Displays the Delete Cells dialog box
Ctrl++Displays the Insert Cells dialog box
Ctrl+Alt+VDisplays the Paste Special dialog box

MS Excel का इस्तेमाल सभी तरह के कामो में किया जाता है, आज के समय में इसके बिना जीना संभव नहीं है। जुआदतर लोगो को अपने ऑफिस में इसपर काम करना होता है, लेकिन इसके बारे में ज्यादा जानकारी नहीं होने की वजह से लोग इस पर अच्छे से काम नहीं कर पाते। लेकिन MS Excel Shortcut Keys का इस्तेमाल करके आसानी से इस सॉफ्टवेयर के सभी कामो को कर सकते है।


आज के लेख में Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys के बारे में विस्तार से बताया, आशा करते है की इस से आपको जरूर सिखने को मिला होगा। इस लेख को अपने दोस्तों के साथ सोशल मीडिया पर जरूर साँझा करे, जिस से उनको भी इसके बारे में पता चल सके।

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