How to star earn money with amazon affiliate program

Karn Arya
3 Min Read
Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon Affiliate Program: This is one of the world’s biggest marketplaces. Many affiliate marketplaces in the world, many bloggers, and big companies use Amazon to sell their products.

If you provide customers the confidence of purchasing products via a referral link to a trusted site You get to earn up to 10% referral fees I of yours and when they make the purchase, you get your commission.

How to signup for Amazon Affiliate Program?

As Amazon offers products in various categories, you can find products for your niche easily. 

In the affiliate program, your geographical location is very important, location is also a determining factor for your target market.

If you are in the U.S., then automatically your target audience would be the U.S. market and you should sign up for the US Amazon associate program. On the other hand, if you are in India, you would want to sign up for Amazon affiliate India.

To begin with, go to the Amazon India associate page and sign in using your Amazon India account. If you do not currently have an Amazon India account, you can quickly create one for free. Signing up is a 3 step process:

  • Create an account on Amazon Indian Affiliate Program.
  • Fill account information with payment details.
  • Fill your website details.

How to Monetize as an Amazon Affiliate?

The next step is to get links, banners, or widgets for your site. Depending on your niche, you can select different types of links. For example:

  • Add widgets to your site: There are widgets and online stores of the Amazon Associates program that can be added to your website templates. Make sure you list various recommended products in your sidebar.  
  • Create the Amazon Build-a-Link bookmark/link:  This makes it easy to build the link with affiliate ID built-in. You need to log in to Associates Central and on the left navigation sidebar, go to Build-A-link, and below Static Links, look for Individual Items. Click on this link and drag it onto your Favorites menu or Links toolbar.

To become an affiliate for Amazon, sign up using this link: <Sign up for Amazon>

Depending on your blog type, you can select which program you want to use for making money. 

Here are some details about this Amazon Affiliate Program:

  • The minimum payout is -2500 (INR 2500).
  • Payment is given approximately 60 days after the end of every month.
  • If anyone buys a product through your affiliate link, then you will not be paid.

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Karn Arya is a Digital Marketer and the Founder of TheRVTechnology - Digital Marketing Company. He's been blogging since 2016 and has learned so many interesting things pertaining to blogging, SEO, and online earning. He has launched this blog to cover blogging related topics.
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