Common 5 Myths About Blogging You Should Know About

Karn Arya
5 Min Read
Common 5 blogging Myth About Blogging You Should Know About !!
Common 5 Myths About Blogging You Should Know About !!

Blogging Myth: There are so many important things to start a blog. In the Blogging field, many myths. Including these common 5 myths about blogging you should know about.

I know some of you already know about these points but I have to resolve everyone’s problem. so, in blogging also those people who don’t know about it, they make thinking about blogging in their mind, so some of them are right and some of them are wrong. so, that is what I am going to talk about Common 5 Myths About Blogging You Should Know About !! today. so, now move to our topic without wasting time let’s start.

Top 5 Common Blogging Myth

I had shared the blogging myth, I think people mostly think. Maybe there are other myths also but I am sharing only some which are frequently think. so, let’s talk about our first myth.

Myth 1: “about 25-30 posts needed to get Google Adsense approval.”

Many professional bloggers tell you that you should have a minimum of 25-30 posts on your blog to get Google Adsense approval. if you are thinking this then you are wrong. first, think why Google Adsense gives approval for any website or blog.

AdSense only gives approval to those particular websites that have provided helpful information to peoples. which gives customers to their advertisers. if your website doesn’t have content that is the same as their advertisers then Adsense does not approve your blog website.

let’s take an example, let if you have any health-related website and if you apply on Google Adsense, then Adsense will check their advertisers that if there is an advertiser who is selling health-related and wants to show ads on a health website then google gives approval to your website else google rejects your approval.

Also, the post should be a well-written style. and your website should also be well designed. then you will get Google Adsense approval even if you have 5-10 posts on your website. So, this myth is totally fake.

Myth 2: ” WordPress Is Better than Blogger”

Many bloggers think that WordPress is better than a blogger. This is also a big myth in blogging, but it is not the full truth. You can do everything in blogger as same as WordPress but is hard because you have to code everything you want to do in blogger but in WordPress, there are millions of plugins available for every work. Every professional blogger uses before switching on WordPress.

Myth 3: ” very high traffic needed to earn a high income.”

There are different CPC rates for any particular topic its depend on traffic country, high CPC keywords. if you using low CPC Rate keyword in your post then you will need a lot of traffic. but somehow if you able to rank your websites on higher CPC rate keyword like FINANCE, INSURANCE and CANCER-related topic then in a single click you can able to earn up to 10-20$. so, this is why I said that you don’t need high traffic for making money if you work on a higher CPC rate keyword.

Myth 4: You need a ton of traffic to make money blogging.

This is not true! Guess what?! I still have very low page views, very low. Yet I make a full-time income blogging.

Truth: You don’t need a huge audience to make money blogging. Help your readers for free, be a friend, and the money will come. It always does– I promise!

Myth 5: You Have to Post Every Day

This is quite and very common myth, one that I get asked quite often on this site.

Some blogger suggests that you have to at least 1 post every day if you want to blog seriously. If anything, posting every day can work great to start with, but eventually, you will either.


So there we have it, my list of common 5 myths about blogging you should know about, Please leave your comments below and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

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Karn Arya is a Digital Marketer and the Founder of TheRVTechnology - Digital Marketing Company. He's been blogging since 2016 and has learned so many interesting things pertaining to blogging, SEO, and online earning. He has launched this blog to cover blogging related topics.
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